The Father Says Today: January 31st, 2023

The Father says today that rest is the default position I will always bring you to in life. When all around you are burdened down, frightened, and in flight, I will bring you to yoke easy and burden light. I give you permission to set aside the false works of dead religion. I authorize you to reject the illegitimate authority of those who have spoken word curses over you. False weights and unjust balances are an abomination to Me, says the Father. I will thunder from on high and wrest away from your peace, the grip of fear, and the tentacles of control and manipulation that have preyed upon you.

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I have set you this day as the pupil of My eye. When the enemy trifles with you, I will execrate him from your life with haste and ferocity. I am the lion of the tribe of Judah, and you are a whelp that I have sired. So roar your roar, though it may seem small at times. For you stand in the shadow of My name and My strength, and I add My thunder to your roar and put all your enemies to flight this day, says your Father!

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