The Father Says Today: January 30th, 2023

The Father says today, it is not good to be alone; therefore, you will not be alone. I created you for companionship, and your first fidelity will be found in intimacy with Me. As you seek out My Deep that calls to your deep, I will come to you and make Myself known to you. I will show you great and mighty things that you know not. I will reveal things, even the hidden things that the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard. I will bring you behind the lattice of natural perspectives and acquaint you with mysteries from the archives of heaven.

Grieve not over relationship estrangements and broken fellowship. Have I not said that I came not to bring peace but a sword? That a man’s foes would be those of their own household? So think it not strange that those nearest in relationship to you, at times, will separate themselves from your company. When I walked the earth, My own kinsmen came to take Me away, for they thought I was mad and beside Myself. Purpose to be a Father-pleaser. Even as I only did what I saw My Father do – go and do likewise. Nothing lasts forever. This, too, shall pass. My ongoing purpose in your life is to set the solitary in families. There will be a day that I will put you in the company of an intimate circle whose heart’s cry will be, “I will never leave you; I will never forsake you.” Trust Me, for that day, will surely come and in the meantime, rejoice, for as they mistreated Me, so they have mistreated you. Receive My comfort this day, therefore, and be at peace.

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