The Father Says Today: January 2nd, 2021

The Father Says Today: January 2nd, 2021

The Father says today, the curse is reversed, and newness of life becomes your portion. The blessings of Abraham are yours, beloved. As I promised Abraham, I will curse those who curse you and bless those who bless you. Those who even trifle with you will be execrated out of your life – emphasis on the word “execrate.” I see the tyranny of the oppressor. They wrongly think they are in charge of what happens next. I see those who slander and whisper dark thoughts in hidden places. They will hear a sound and be moved out of your life with permanence, never to be seen again. Yes, it has been long in coming but never mistake My long-suffering with a refusal to deal with the situations in your life that are outside the parameters of “life and life more abundantly.”

This is the season of being rooted and grounded like a tree by the living water. Death cannot reach you – the curse of those who curse you will fall inert at your feet to be returned on their own head. I have laid out in your life the boundaries of My promise and My blessings. Now you will rise up and leap over the wall and run through the troop. Others will look on in disbelief at how fast I bring about My good word on your behalf. They thought nothing would ever change. They imagined they could continue to wipe their mouth and claim they did nothing wrong. They were mistaken. The hour of the curse is nullified, and total recovery of what was lost in your life has arrived, and great will be your rejoicing, says the Father.

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  • Lucia+Gabriella says:

    Blessed be the name of the Lord, He is good and His promises are sure. Thank you, Lord. I receive this word.

  • DEBORAH Phillips says:

    Lord help me to be strengthen!!! I trust you
    Sometimes i feel tiredi know ur my strength

  • Hallelujah! Yes, Thank You Lord. It has been daunting, heavy and difficult. Be it unto me as You have spoken. For Your Glory.. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  • Amen and amen. Let it be so Lord, as per your word. You are not a man, that you can lie. You are not a son of man, that you can change your mind. You have spoken and so shall it be.