The Father Says Today: January 2nd, 2013

The Father says today you are not on refugee status in My kingdom. You are a naturalized citizen of My domain. This is where you belong and nothing can separate you from the protections afforded by My hand. You cannot be deported or expelled from My borders says the Father. There is no immigration bureaucracy to answer to for you have been born to kingdom privilege. You are My beloved and as My beloved I will always care for you and cover you.
Fret not says the Father. I am not looking for reasons to deny you or withdraw My blessing. Fear not neither be dismayed for you are in My custody and I will work with you and in you and for you in every situation. So listen today to My voice and not the voice that would put you to flight and cause you to wring your hands and worry. It matters not what is happening around for I have resources beyond human reckoning and I have already deployed them in your behalf.
There is nothing you can ask Me for that I haven’t already anticipated and made available. Refuse unbelief. Reject the thinking that I will not answer. The cross of Calvary is My object lesson to demonstrate My willingness to answer your heart’s cry. I am the Lord your God. I am your Poppa God and as such you are even this day slated to be the recipient of the full force of My benevolence.

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