The Father Says Today: January 29th, 2023

The Father says today that My blessing is more than just warm wishes and kind sentiments. My blessing returns you to that state before the fall, where everything you say and do is effective as if I said it and did it. In the beginning, I entitled mankind to subdue and have dominion. What was lost in the garden of Eden is re-stored in the garden of Gethsemane? I am implementing the full scope of that transaction in your life as you yield to Me. When I am fully Lord IN you, then I will be fully Lord THROUGH YOU, says the Father.

Helplessness is not your natural state, says the Father. Powerlessness, bondage, and weakness is not your portion this day. As you surrender inwardly, you will conquer outwardly. Let your sur- render to My Lordship be full and final, touching every area of your life. The wind of My Spirit is blowing in your life. As you find that place of yieldedness and surrender, you will see even those immovable, intractable challenges blown away like the chaff. Relinquish the outcome and turn toward Me with all your heart, and I will meet you, cleanse you and refine you into My image. It’s a new day, says the Father, a day of blessing and entitlement as you surrender yourself fully to Me.

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