The Father Says Today: January 27th, 2023

The Father says today, let My image be reflected within you and out from you. Life and circumstance will conspire to cast you in the image of many things, but My likeness is the resemblance you were created to reflect. When I commanded you to have no other gods before Me, I intended that you would not sell yourself cheap to a lie that cannot produce, protect or preserve you. There is one likeness I have placed within you and molded and fashioned you to portray. The enemy sees this and hates it because he hates Me. Allow My likeness to rest upon you and be reflected in your being.

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

My likeness is inwardly holy and outwardly triumphant. Remember this when you ask for an exit strategy from the pressure and the battle. My primary character is Lordship, and as My likeness, I desire to move you on only when your enemies are defeated and to bless you on your way. Never take the coward’s way out. Never rationalize away your blessing. I have given you dominion; I have given you dominion to subdue and conquer and to be more than a conqueror. This is who I AM and who I have empowered you to be. So yield, says the Father, to My inward grace to transform your heart and My outward anointing to subdue every foe. This is your portion and your inheritance purchased by the blood that was shed.

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