The Father Says Today: January 26th, 2023

The Father says today that you are not overlooked in My purposes. Your relationship with Me includes placement, purpose, and provision. You have asked, “what are you doing, Lord?” I am populating the void in your life with a “deep calling to deep” intimacy, and the outcome will be multiplication and abundance. The waters of My Spirit within you are not sterile or barren. There is a bringing forth and birthing of greater favor and greater blessing in every area of need and want. You are a set resource in My government, and you have been brought to the kingdom for such a time as this. It matters not whether men recognize, cooperate, or align with My purpose in your life, for I am with you, and I will never forsake you. Embracing kingdom purpose in your life is key to walking in kingdom blessing. See your placement today. Embrace your purpose. Nothing is lacking, and the transition time you have sought out is now!

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

I said to Abraham that his seed would be like the stars of heaven. That ascension identity is your portion. You are not an earthly seed. You are not a mere indentured servant of religious culture. You are the newly born, and in you, My mercy is renewed every morning. My greatness is upon you, even the greatness of a nation born of God that the boundaries of men cannot contain or hold back. Know this, says your Father, that I will bless those that bless you, but those that trifle with you, I will execrate out of your life. You are the pupil of My eye, says the Father, and the full faith of the bank of Heaven is at your disposal; for My glory is contained within you and surrounds you like a shield even this day.

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