The Father Says Today, January 24th, 2022

The Father says, today receive of My fulness this day. My fulness is in you, and My fulness flows to you in a mighty river of power far beyond anything the world can bring up against you. Fixtures of disappointment are going, and bastions of blessing and favor are being erected in the very center of your being. You are in the bull’s eye of My favor, says God. Others put a target on your back and boast that I will not walk with you or bless you, but I will hold them in disregard as I go about to do in you exactly what your detractors think I will not do or cannot do, for I Am God. I can do anything I want anytime I want, and I don’t answer to anyone.

Rejoice this day, says God, and again I say, rejoice. Sorrow is fading and fleeing away. Loss is now merely a footnote of My greater faithfulness in your life. Rise up and rule and reign. Rise up and claim your double portion. I am not the God of withholding but the God of releasing. I am releasing to you My goodness, and of My greatness, you will witness and be glad. Others see only with the eye, instead of through the situation. I say to you, look through and not just at what is going on around you, and you will see My hand at work doing the greatest things you have ever witnessed in Me and making you the very poster child and exemplar of My manifest goodness in the earth in a moment of time, says God.

Prophet Russ Walden

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    • Kingsley Reeves says:

      This has blessed me. Thank you prophets for your part to play in God! He has called me to be King of America under Jesus and this is helping me on my path. May you all be blessed! Jesus is with us!

  • I receive this prophetic word from the Father’s heart as it aligns itself up with the desire of my heart. I will use this as a prayer point as it shall be as it has been spoken. In Jesus’ name. For the Glory of God. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽