The Father Says Today: January 1st, 2021

The Father Says Today: January 1st, 2021

The Father says today, you may feel like you are in over your head but know this – I am the wave breaking over your life to bring hope, joy, and expectation beyond all imagining. I am a good God, and I live on the inside of you – there is no need to struggle. Cease from your labors. It isn’t necessary to try to gain your footing in the situation, for I am coming up under you with wings of glory that you might take flight and pass over as in a moment those mountains that have threatened you for so long.

Go ahead this day and move out into the waters to swim in. No more duck wading in the shallows. I am beckoning and calling you out into the fathomless deeps where the whale song of My Spirit is calling to you that you might come away with Me. I’ve chosen you, and I’ve set My seal on your heart and marked you on the forehead with an iron pen with a diamond point. You are mine; I am yours. What about the enemy? Their harassment is ending – now, so rejoice and receive My joy as your immediate portion, even this day.

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  • Alleluyah, thank you Lord. This word strongly speaks to me and I receive with open arms. Amen!

  • AMEN. Thank you Lord, that mark on my for head with an iron pen with a diamond pen, really nothing will happen to me. I receive joy in Jesus name.

  • Thank You Lord. I look and run to You. Help me to rest as I trust You. In Jesus’ name. Blessings, Shalom and Agape

  • I actually desire to share that a couple of years ago, I was led to read a daily word (after a season of not listening to the words out of frustration and discouragement of the waiting on more than I care to share in here. We need prophets in our lives as much as we need teachers and friends and family and resources, etc. God uses people to reach areas or spots that we could never tend or attend often on our own. Fellowship is huge. Find people that want to grow, are kind, accepting, not rejecting – grow together and operate and fail and get back up and do it all over again. It’s taken me several years to get free from witchcraft, and I’ve had a lot of help along the way. Be cautious of whom you receive or accept help from, their can be strings attached. I’ve not ever experienced strings attached when receiving words from this site or stretching out my voice and shouting help! I don’t know which way to go, I’m lost-stuck-or confused.

    My walk is my walk. My talk is my talk. My speech is my speech, but I’m not alone. Thank you Father’s Heart Ministry prophetic word and counseling.

    I believe it’s one of The Lords masterpieces

    Russ has a voice with authority that did not make me super comfortable at first, but I knew the Spirit of God was coming through Him for my benefit and purposes of Gods will for my life. I believed this to be true by according to my faith. His voice does not bother me anymore because I recognize we are each different and come from different journey (starting places) and I (through the internet) have learned that I can trust to hear Gods voice through Russ at times. But I do not lean on each or every word that he gives or says because they may not all be for me.

    I have on my heart new believers that read this site, and I thought to share this. If shares help one person, they are worth it. 2 is even better. And so forth.

    God is good all of the time, can be a learning and growing in respect process for some of us to teach, preach, or minister to or for or about.

    He is good because He sees from a perspective we do not.

    That’s where I’m at to date. Have a blessed new year.

  • Thank you. I have been blessed by the Lord through this daily Word in more than one occasion. It has been used as a tool and source of Great strength And motivation for me often times. Thank you Russ & Kitty and the rest of the crew too. God bless you.

  • John Tuiono says:

    Thank you for the words of encouragent & assurance of His abiding presence now & into the future. My prayer for Our God to bless your Ministry bountifully.