The Father Says Today: January 1st, 2013

The Father says today that your hope lies in your trust in Me and not any earthly thing. The economy is not your hope. The political process is not your hope. The leaders of nations are not your hope. I am your hope and I change not. I am the same yesterday, today and forever and I will never leave you and never forsake you.
Listen to My voice and not the voices of those who cannot look past the false security of human vanity. They are crying “Calamity, Calamity!” They are looking for a savior and have forsaken the Rock of their Salvation! I laid the foundation says the Father and they have forsaken the foundation that I have laid. But for those who trust in My name and yield to My voice I will yet suckle you at the bosom of My bounty and My provision.
Take heed to My voice and quiet yourself within your heart. Though the blind rage against the blind you are not blind for I will cause you to see My kingdom that you may participate with what I am doing and saying in your life. Fear not and be not disheartened. Though men’s hearts fail them for fear and their courage flee away like a frightened animal, I will be your courage and will cause you even in the midst of the chaos of life to ride on the high places of the earth.

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