The Father Says Today: January 18th, 2023

The Father says today, I do not accept the blood of bulls and goats, but your sacrifices of praise will be a sweet-smelling savor to Me. There are those who mock and scoff at the oblations of your lips, but know this – your worship changes the outcome, even the immediate outcome of the circumstance before you. My heart responds to worship as you magnify My name above the challenge you are facing. My hand is swift to scribe the requisition of My blessing and provision on your behalf today. The angels now hasten to your defense to uphold and champion your cause.

Prophet Russ – I Recieve My Answer from God in the Day of Trouble – Today!

Call upon Me in the day of trouble; will I not answer you? Call upon Me even when you feel unworthy; will I not pour out My mercy upon you in fresh measure? Offer thanksgiving and pay your heart vows to Me, and I will destroy the efforts of the enemy to contain and contaminate you. This day, this hour, this season, I am bringing you to the refreshing of My fountains of grace, forgiveness, and joy, says your Papa God!

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