The Father Says Today: January 15th, 2013

Russ-08-2012The Father says today I have called you to be obedient not successful. Leave the success to Me. You simply stand your post and leave the results to Me. If you hold yourself accountable for the results then you will become discouraged when things don’t work out. Likewise if you see success as proceeding from your efforts you will fall into presumption. The only requirement I place on you is simple obedient response to the prompting of My Spirit. This will make obedience and follow through an easy yoke and a burden light when you quit looking at yourself and look to Me.
You will have an opportunity today to maintain your humility and simplicity. I have given you gifts and those gifts will bring you to promotion and in exercising your gift you will know My glory and My splendor. Don’t allow the glory to distract you from a baseline commitment of humility and a healthy self perception of your dependence on Me. Lean into Me says the Father. Let the pressure to perform and produce fall on Me as I shelter and shield you in a canopy and covering of My love and care and protecton.
Make every effort says the Father to ascertain the boundaries of where you leave off and I take up. When this boundary becomes blurred where your anointing is concerned you will hold yourself responsible for success and you aren’t responsible to succeed you are responsible to obey. Begin each day and each assignment focused on the prompting of My Spirit as I tug on your heart and steer your words and actions. In so doing you will be the obedience child you have always longed to be. It isn’t complicated says the Father so relax and move forward in trust and simple confidence.

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