The Father Says Today: January 13th, 2021

The Father Says Today: January 13th, 2021

The Father says today, what are you waiting for? Watching and waiting is a surrender to time bound reality in a fallen world. You cannot wait on Me until you enter that timeless realm where I live and move and cause you to have your being. I put you in this life as I put Adam in Eden – to subdue and have dominion. This includes time. Time is a function of fallen creation. Come up higher. Come up and take your place seated in Christ in a timeless posture where time is your servant and the seconds, hours, and years bend to your will and bow to the authority I have placed within you by the work of the Cross. Step out of time. Step out of time and into eternity. Redeem time by reducing time to a footnote of the greater dominion accorded you through the work of the Cross. To do otherwise is willingly allowing yourself to be a victim – a victim of causality and a victim of random happenstance in a realm defined by the principality of chronos that I’ve given you total authority over.

Step up to your authority in Christ this day. Death dies in timelessness. The fangs of loss and the brutality of pain are eliminated as you take your place seated not just by but IN Christ. The way has been made. The path is made clear not by your consecration but by the consecration of the One who went before you, defeating death, hell and the grave and leading captivity captive that you might live in the ascendancy on this side of heaven in a human life of grace in abundance and limitlessness. Release your faith. Unlimber your human reasoning to My wisdom personified in Jesus dwelling within you. Then you will walk through walls and take the prey from the mouth of the lion and the paw of the bear. You belong to Me. This day I release you from the rack of tortuous time that you might know because I have time, you have time and every other thing necessary for life and godliness.

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Other Comments

  • Kim Clifford says:

    GLORY TO GOD!!! This was such a rhema word to me. I have been whining to the Lord about the constraints and limitations of time, even journaling about it and asking for deep revelation in my inner man about the concept of time. I’ve known about chronos and kairos for a long time but this Word put my spirit to flight. I’ve been so frustrated by not having as much time as I want to spend in God‘s presence/having to deal with the daily stuff of life etc.

    In January of 2020 I had a dream that I looked in the mirror and I had on these huge round earrings that had a clock face on them. (I don’t usually wear large earrings) I did not recall or it was not clear as to what exact “time” it was— it was more like a sense of awakening which of course has had its own implications for this season LOL.

    Thank you for allowing these daily outpourings to flow through you, Russ and Kitty❤️

  • Yes Lord. I believe, help my unbelief. In Jesus’ name. Blessings, Shalom and Agape