The Father Says Today: January 13th, 2013

Russ-08-2012The Father says today that I have the answer what is the question? The Spirit of Counsel is upon you this day. I am the still and small voice that speaks to you in the silence between your own thoughts. You are never without My mind to teach and train and instruct you in the way that you should go. As you enter into rest and quiet yourself I will make Myself known to you in all things.
There has never been a time that I have withdrawn Myself from the affairs of life says the Father. I will however never interrupt or strive for your attention. You must draw yourself aside to hear My counsel. As you quiet your mind and still the voices that demand your attention My thoughts will bubble up from within your own human spirit to refresh and encourage you.
So refrain from the contaminated voices of the world around you and set your attention and your affections upon Me. You will be surprised at times what you hear. Don’t be hesitant to inquire of My Mind. You are where your attention takes you says the Father. When you solicit My heart I will never fail to speak directly to the desires and longing of your heart. I have the answer says the Father what is the question?

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