The Father Says Today: January 10th, 2023

The Father says today, do not be troubled that you might miss out on what I am doing on the earth. I will see to it that you are in the crosshairs of My glory when the shift comes and the release of My Spirit is unleashed. You see, says the Father, when I breathe upon the earth, you are the breezeway through which I exhale. I breathe in your petitions and breathe out your declarations, and the earth is changed! Look not upon the circumstances, and situations in your life that contradict My promise, for those things are subject to change – and I am the God who is capable of getting it done!

Prophet Russ – I am in the Crosshairs of God’s Glory – Today!

This day I call you to come near to Me, says the Father. Refuse to be distracted by the illusory suggestions of the enemy that would cause you to look away from My unveiled face. Receive My entreaty and allow the spirit of encouragement to lift your countenance and restore your joy! Refresh yourself in the fountains of My effervescent favor, says the Father, for the bubbling springs of laughter and exhilaration, are breaking the surface of your life and sweeping away all despondency. Enter into discourse with My Living Potential and terminate the dialog of failure and sorrow, for that is not your inheritance in My kingdom. Be stirred! Be persuaded! You can afford it, says the Father, for I am recharging the banks of joy in your life and releasing the substance of all that I have promised to you this day!

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