The Father Says Today: January 10th, 2013

The Father says today that your privilege this day is to love under pressure. I am aware of the burdensome people in your life that tax your strength at times. Not all opposition comes from the enemy. Those closest to you are often the greatest challenges to your patience and kind endurance. Make a choice today to love under pressure. Your responses under pressure cause what is on the inside of you to eek out. Let it be My unconditional love that spills over today toward those who constitute demand on your tolerance and patience.
There are those in your life that constitute a burden merely out of their own weakness. Yes they could help themselves and they could be and do different but they are not doing so. Bear with them. Let your heart be tolerant today toward those in your life who struggle, those who constantly blame and constitute a weariness in your life. Choose to maintain a sweet disposition for all else comes of sin and falls short of My character in you.
Over and again in My earth walk I chose to be tolerant rather than to condemn. I chose to love and comfort rather than to scold or correct. Follow My example in this toward that that tax your patience. I was surrounded at times by opposers and mockers even by the twelve I chose yet I maintained My grace and composure and loved them through their weakest and most disappointing moments. So love without conditions today. Love by action and by words both spoken and unspoken. In so doing you will be an agent for change in the lives of those around you and serve your Father as a well pleasing child.

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  • Lisa Pearson says:

    Yes Father! Yes I will! How personal, how awesome, how loving is our God when He uses people who are hearing his Word obedient & able to share His Word to the body of believers!! Hear these prophets, believe these prophets, support these prophets who have been called by the Father and believe the Voice of God who loves us so much He desires for each of us to hear His heart beat in the day to day lives we lead! Blessings of God to you both Russ and Kitty and may you both continue to be used mightily in the hour the Father has predestined for you to play such a special role in!