The Father Says Today: February 9th, 2023

The Father says today, dream a bigger dream.  Things in your life may seem unchanging, but the Father says to broaden your horizons and believe for alternatives to open up where you’re at now.  You asked about finances, and the prayer of Jabez is the key to outpoured blessings. Again, the Father says to let your mouth pray, for I will be petitioned and will answer speedily.  You desire to see an increase in the coming year; in 2023, the Father says, I will be petitioned of you even as I was petitioned of Jabez in the bible who cried out that the place where I’m at is too narrow for him and he asked Me to enlarge his coast, enlarge his life, and I did says God.

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

Yes, the Father says, enlargement is available, but you must enter into a dialogue with me regarding the enlargement that you’re crying out for.  As you enter into the dialogue, understand that it’s two-way communication.  There are some things on your front burner, says the Father, that you want to see addressed first, and I say as well, there are some things on my front burner that I want to talk to you about.  I want to make myself known to you. I want to come to a place of intimacy with you where you know what is on the morrow, where you not only know where to get your answers, but your answers are bubbling up on the inside of you because I have activated an intimacy between you and me that goes beyond just the natural concerns of life, but it’s a passion ignited bone deep in your soul by My Spirit to fulfill your destiny and move every mountain and obstacle in your path.


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