The Father Says Today: February 7th, 2023

The Father says that this is a freeing time for you. There have been many things that have held you back and held you in intimidation; no more, says God. I am coming in and doing the work inside of you that is going to cause great freedom and great boldness to rise up in you. I have poured my wisdom into you, but sometimes people have tried to stomp on that and tried to override you and say that they know better than you or that they know what’s best, what your path should be, or the decision you should make. Know this says the Father – the wisdom that you carry inside of you is of me, so I don’t want you to doubt yourself anymore. Don’t doubt yourself hearing me, and don’t doubt the wisdom I gave you. I want you to go the way that I tell you to go. When others around you are going to say go one way, go this way and cause confusion, purpose in your heart to stay focused on what I have birthed in you in the secret place. God says I have given you the capacity inside of you to receive my greatness and receive the ministry calling that I have for you. You have desired ministry and to see your life be used for My glory. You have desired to go to the nations and preach to the people. God says that I am starting you even in a smaller sphere of influence, and it’s going to build and build and build. There are even going to be people you reach that you don’t even know that you’re reaching. Your word will have authority and travel to people groups and people groups and people groups. Sometimes you feel insignificant, but you are not insignificant. I have made you one with the voice of My heart that carries authority and greatness. God says when the enemy even tried to steal your voice when you were younger, I rescued you and kept you on the path of light and love. I am going to make your voice even louder in days to come.

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

God says I have made you an encourager to speak life where others speak death. Let your mouth speak, and let your mouth pray. I want you to be an intercessor of joy. I want you to speak joy and life over those who only have known death and sorrow. Lives will be changed because of you. Don’t feel like you’re doing a small thing because I made you big in my kingdom. There are jewels and many rewards that are waiting for you. There is a crown of victory, and there is even a purple robe for you to carry. A new mantle for you. A walk in royalty and authority because I have given it to you. Not because man has given it to you but because I have given it to you. You’ve said in your heart, “God, I don’t mind being behind the scenes.”; therefore, watch as I will put you in the forefront so people can see the anointing and the love that you carry. This is not a one-man thing, and it’s not about magnifying the flesh. It’s about you and me. Because you have said that you will be the one to point others to Jesus, therefore I am going to put you in a position of receiving wealth and health and spiritual authority so that you can bless my people. I’m going to place these things into your hands so that you can bless my people, so go out and bless them, says the Father.

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Other Comments

  • Linda Smalls-Spence says:

    Thank you Lord for the prophetic blessing and message. God bless and kept you Prophet Russ. This WORD on what would have been on my father’s 105th birthday has confirmed what I have been feeling in this season. Thank you 🙏🏽 and God forever bless you

  • Evadne Davis says:

    Russ, you are such a blessing to me. I doubt myself because of how others treat me. Everything you said is sotrue and I thank God for you. May the annointing continue to fall on you. Shalom Shalom 🙏

  • Pam Baker says:

    Thank you Lord and thank you for sharing Russ. I felt as if the Lord was speaking to me directly. I felt Him all over this and it has confirmed several things He has spoken to me in times past. God Bless you and your ministry in Jesus’ name!