The Father Says Today: February 7th, 2020

The Father says today, your time in the barnyards of religion is now over. This day I open the chasm of My deeps to you and call to you with My voice. You are not shallow. You are not worldly. You are not carnal-minded. I call you this day to adopt the God-inside-minded reality of who you really are. I draw you unto Myself that you might experience in a fresh way the full benefit of your sonship. You are not a bastard. I break the curse of the bastard off of you. You are not born of fornication, says God, you are born of heaven’s highest purpose and brought forth according to My determinate foreordination. Accept this and come out of the ditch of despair into the courts of My glory, for that is where your feet are destined to tread.

From this day forward, you will begin to breathe deeper. Restriction of breath, restriction of spirit that has made you panic and feel trapped are broken off of your life, and now you go free. Accept it, says the Father, and rejoice in the freedom wherewith I make you free. I planned for you to be here. I am the Father of who you really are on the inside, and it doesn’t matter if every person in your life rejects you. If I accept you and if I have chosen you, then that marginalizes to petty consequence anything that man might think about you. You are the blessed. You are the accepted. You are the called of heaven, and your place of belonging is in the high places where you will ride prosperously into a greater and greater increase from this day forward.

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