The Father Says Today: February 5th, 2023

The Father says today, son and daughter, open your eyes and your heart to greater blessing and higher callings. Do not allow the mundane things of life to clip your wings or steal your joy. Trials and struggle have their end. Trials and struggles will exhaust themselves and have an end because the energy that drives them does not come from My throne but from the domain of darkness. You will not be held bound, for I have declared life over you and life more abundantly.

I am reaching today into that guarded place within you where you have hoped against hope for things to be different than they have been. I am breathing new life, new hope, and new joy into you. I am placing you on an ascension footing out of deprivation, struggle, and the strife of tongues. Your life and your person will not be defined by human limitations or past regrets. Your life will be defined by My promise, My presence, My provision, and My protection that is even now released as a canopy of favor over you in full and complete measure this very day!

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