The Father Says Today: February 4th, 2023

The Father says today, allow generosity of spirit to flow through you today like water. I live on the inside of you. Give Me room to move in and through you to others. Love unconditionally. Give lavishly. Forgive unreasonably. Love, give, and forgive until your love scandalizes the small-minded, religious professors whose love has grown cold. Reach out to the undeserving and those who haven’t loved you back. Let your testimony toward them be, “I am going to love you, and there is nothing you can do about it!”

This is the audacity of love, says the Father. Men can place re- striction and constraints upon you, but the nature of love is to break out and flow out to the lowest common denominator of relationship and expectation. Love is a spiritual geography to itself that is alien to failure or defeat. So export all your hopes, dreams, and petitions to the geography of love, for that is where faith’s fullest measure spontaneously gives substance to every vision and dream born in your heart by My incorruptible Seed.

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