The Father Says Today: February 4th, 2021
The Father says today, open yourself to the refinement of love that is working in you by My Spirit. I never intended for you to be a spiritual Neanderthal groping through life without understanding; reacting and struggling with forces that you don’t comprehend. My love is on the inside of you. It is the catalyst that makes the gift of faith I gave to every man activate and to renovate each person’s life to the metric of AS IN HEAVEN so ON EARTH. There are no shrill voices in heaven. There is no blame game in heaven. There are no dark conspiracies neither one-upmanship in heaven. That is the blueprint I’ve given you to work from. Why listen to the fear mongers who have staked their fortunes on the ability to alarm you, scare you, manipulate you, and rob you of your peace? Remember that PEACE is My kingdom. When you allow something, someone, or some situation even on the world stage to alarm you and set you on edge you’ve given up far more than you know. Come back to peace. Come back to joy.
My peace is a bulldozer in your life, says God. When you embrace My peace and relish in My joy every obstacle is swept away. The crooked becomes straight. Why get all anxious about the crooked and the criminals when My hand is at work to make the twisted, distorted tableau of deception an open highway for you to walk straight through to triumph. What can man do to you? What can man take from you that is of any eternal value? Set your affection – your emotional attenuation – upon where I sit at the right hand of glory. Never allow your well-being to be trapped in a time-bound frame of mind for that captivity is not your portion. You are God-kind. You carry My DNA on the inside of you. The strands of your redeemed DNA are like Jacob’s ladder, not only to look upon but to rise up and ascend to a new place of grace, rest, and peace that overwhelms the lies of man and reminds you whose image you carry as My beloved child destined for greater things that you’ve ever known.
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A Reed says:
I believe and receive it. Glory! Let the chains break. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.