The Father Says Today: February 2nd, 2023

The Father says today, make it your determination never to live below your privileges in My Kingdom. The blood of the cross entitles you, enables you, and empowers you to live your life within a  consistent profile of victory. Weakness is not your portion. Failure is not your portion. Out of the wilderness of struggle and difficulty, I will bring deliverers out of Zion. There is a place for you among that Roll Call of the Faithful. 

You shall call upon Me and I will say, “Here I am.” You shall decree a thing and it shall rise up before you and be established. The enemy will not be able to rob you of My character, My holiness, or My favor.  Set your expectations higher, says the Father. Do not sell yourself short or cheapen your experience in Me. Refuse to rationalize away your blessings or the fullness of My stature that you are destined to walk in. 

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