The Father Says Today: February 29th, 2024

The Father says today; I am actively working within you and around you to do My goodwill. You may feel yourself striving, exerting your own efforts, but know that I am the one orchestrating the work inside you. What you yearn to cultivate within yourself through sheer effort and personal wisdom, I now release to you as a gift. What you hoped to achieve through a prolonged process, I shall now bestow upon you through direct impartation. Open your heart and mind, and allow My spirit to flow through you like a cleansing wind, transforming you from the inside out. Remember, this transformation is not temporary. It is a permanent shift, a lasting change that alters the very core of your being. Therefore, I say to you this day, ascend into the state of rest that I have prepared for you. Leave behind the struggles and anxieties that have weighed you down. Rise above them all and claim the place that was ordained for you long before time began. This is the new day that I bestow upon you, a gift from My heart, overflowing with favor towards you.

Declare with unshakeable conviction: “This day, I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.” Throughout your journey, know that I remain steadfast by your side. When challenges arise, I will stand as your unwavering support, protecting you with unwavering tenderness and unwavering kindness. This is the legacy you inherit as one of My children, this is your birthright in Me, your God. Remember, this transformation is not a one-time event. It is a continuous process, a journey of ongoing growth. Just as a seedling requires consistent care and nourishment to reach its full potential, so too does the transformation I initiate within you. Open yourself to My guidance, seek My presence, and allow Me to nurture and cultivate the gift I have placed within you. Embrace this moment with open arms, for it marks a significant shift in your life’s trajectory. Step into the new day I have prepared for you, and walk confidently in the knowledge that I am with you every step of the way. You are not alone, and you are not forgotten. I am your Father, and My love for you is boundless.

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