The Father Says Today: February 28th, 2024

The Father says today, I have heard your prayers in this appointed time. While death comes but once, life, the truly alive life, exists eternally. As I, the Father, am ever-living, so too are you, for I dwell within you. This work I perform within you is sacred. Your deepest being is stirred by the touch of My glory. You will see My face, and My hand will move within you, allowing you to truly experience the transformative power that makes you new. Today, put on life. Put on the ZOE life, the very life I purchased for you at Calvary. Grasp it, own it, make it yours. This is your liberation. This is the moment of your full manifestation as My chosen one – the time to drink deeply of My promises, My affirmations.

Rise up, says the Father. Become who I have declared you to be. Do what I have called you to do. Cast off fear and doubt. Pour out your heart completely, like a libation, and I will bless you abundantly. I will move upon you in such power that your life and the lives around you will be profoundly transformed, radiating the glory I bestow upon you. This is a new day, a new era, says the Father. It is the fullness of time for your life. My chosen season is dawning, bursting forth to bring change, transformation, and rejoicing upon you this very day. This is My word to you, your God.

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