The Father Says Today: February 28th, 2023

The Father says today that I am the foundation in your life that cannot be overthrown. I am the foundation, and I am also the capstone. When I am finished building Myself into you, the angels will cry GRACE, GRACE into the architecture of Myself that I have established within you. Others look at you and refuse to validate what I am doing, but look not at their faces and do not fear the opinions of men. Let humility and silence adorn and beautify you as I shift and transition you to a new purpose and greater blessing than you have ever experienced.

Do you trust Me? Let Me take you through the narrow place that is just ahead. Look not to the right hand or to the left. Do not check with those around you to see how you are doing in the task. Let Me guide you with My eye. Find your approval and your peace in My presence, and not any other thing. Where others only see a wall, I am opening a door, and you will be ushered into a place of provision and accomplishment that others only dream of and would never see you experiencing. I am your protection, and I am your advancement, says the Father, and I am pleased to reveal Myself in your life today in a new way that you have never known.

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