The Father Says Today: February 27th, 2023

The Father says today that the angel recorders have been released into your life. The angel recorders are tabulating every tear, every prayer, every cry in your heart by which you have called upon Me in your distress. My voice says, even My LOUD voice, with which I now CRY over your life, “IT IS ENOUGH!” For I will bring an end to sorrow and an end to distress and difficulty. This is who I AM and what I DO, and I have graven upon your heart and your forehead EL-SHADDAI – for I am more than enough and more than willing to act on your behalf, says the Father.

This is trusting time, for you are moving and transitioning into the RECEIVING SEASON by My hand. No more delay, says the Father. No more wondering, “God, will this EVER change?…” Yes, My son, and yes, My daughter, I have maintained the vigil of My faithfulness in your life. I am bringing, to the full, the answer, the provision, and the shift that you have petitioned Me for. Look for it, expect it, hope for it; for YOUR faith is giving SUBSTANCE this day to that which you have required at My hand.

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