The Father Says Today: February 26th, 2023

The Father says today that change isn’t harmful; change is beneficial. If you want something different, you must do something different. What you DO with what I have already said is much more powerful than what you are waiting upon Me to do or to say. My kingdom is a participatory kingdom, not an observation gallery. Religion observes, but faith acts. Faith steps forward. Faith takes risks and thereby reaps the rewards. What risks are you prepared to take to move toward and fulfill your destiny?

Cast aside the vain opinions of men and their illegitimate authority. When you hit the targets and meet the marks they have set for you, they will simply move the bar and establish a whole new set of expectations. With Me, says the Father, you are seated with Christ in heavenly places. With man, you never know where you stand; for prideful men will always prey upon your weakness and vulnerability. I will take your weakness and give wings to you in your vulnerability and cause you to soar into the fulfillment of all that which I have surely promised you, even this day.

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  • Ain’t that the truth!!! This is my second time reading a prophecy from Prophet Walden that expounds on the same thing: man can’t be trusted, and parameters are constantly moving… thank God for the unchanging, unconditional love of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Amen!