The Father Says Today: February 26th, 2013

Russ-Feb-2013aThe Father says today that I am delivering you from the addictive habit of worry. Fear is an intoxicant says the Father and this poison will no longer contaminate your life. I will so fill you with Myself and so bless you by My hand that worry and fear will be an implausible laughability. The specter of fear and torment that haunts others will no longer hurt you says the Father.
My very nature says the Father is expressed in faithfulness. In your life I am faithful to deliver. In your life says the Father I am faithful to heal and faithful to provide. Be of good courage says the Father. My faithfulness so envelopes you that I will answer before you call. I will answer as the MORE-THAN-YOU-CAN-ASK-OR-THINK GOD. My very name in your life says the Father is MORE-THAN-ENOUGH! I don’t answer prayers with illusory maybes or faint probabilities. You are going to see My hand up front and center in your life.
So be of good courage says the Father. Don’t look to the right or the left. Regard not the rising tide of false expectations. I will not allow the enemy to gain advantage over you. I will empower and shield and protect you by My hand and you will give testimony before all the world around you that I am the God who answers by fire and delivers you from every snare.

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