The Father Says Today: February 25th, 2024

The Father says today, your service, your acts of sacrifice, haven’t gone unnoticed. They may have been overlooked by others and deemed insignificant, but I see them clearly. They are not in vain. Put aside your anxieties about results and success, for those are Mine to orchestrate. My plan unfolds in its own perfect timing, and your faithfulness, your willingness to act, is the key that unlocks its blessings. Focus not on the harvest but on planting the seeds with dedication and obedience. In that dedication, in that unwavering trust, you will find sustenance and nourishment. Goodness, like fertile soil, lies hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be cultivated. The path you walk may appear barren, yielding no immediate fruit. But remember, I am the Root, drawing life from seemingly barren ground. Let your heart become a valley of hope, where trenches of expectation hold the promise of abundance. The outpouring you are about to receive will surpass even your wildest dreams. This is not some distant promise whispered in the wind.

This is My now, and therefore, it is your now. This is the time for rejoicing, not for longing. The doubts and discouragement others succumb to have no power over you. You will feast on the very essence of what others deemed impossible, a testament to your unwavering faith. Rejoice, for your mourning transforms into celebration. Let go of the burdens that weigh you down. I am here, the source of your strength, the wellspring of your joy. Step into this new day with renewed purpose, knowing that every act of service, every step of obedience, carries the weight of My promise. You are not alone, and your journey, though it may seem arduous, leads to a destination overflowing with blessings. Walk with Me, and let your heart overflow with the joy of this new season. Remember, My ways are not your ways, and My thoughts are not your thoughts. Trust in the plan unfolding, knowing that even in the seeming barrenness, I am preparing a harvest unlike any you could imagine. Go forward, My child, with a heart filled with hope and a spirit ready to receive. Your time of rejoicing has arrived.

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