The Father Says Today: February 25th, 2023

The Father says today; I have seen your service of sacrifice before Me. Others have looked away as though your efforts were of no consequence, but that is not My assessment, says the Father. Fret not about the outcome or success, says the Father. The outcome is mine, and the success is Mine. Let your attention and your attentiveness be anchored in willingness and obedience. In your willingness and your obedience, you will eat the good of the land, and there IS goodness in the land for you, says the Father.

The landscape of your life has seemed bleak and unproductive, but I am the Root that delights in springing out of your dry ground. So fill your valley of heaviness with trenches of expectation, for what I am about to pour out will not be contained even in your highest anticipations. Are you ready? This is MY now time; therefore, it is YOUR now time. In your NOW, you will rejoice – you will not pine for some distant promise. I will cause you even this day to partake of the marrow and substance of what others decided not to believe for any longer. Rejoice and be glad, says the Father, for this, is the mourning that is turned into rejoicing even now.

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  • William F White says:

    Praise God Prophet Russ I receive this blessed word,my father has not forgotten about me, I believe to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living,it is my now time to be blessed and successful and fruitful in everything. I am that root out of a dry ground and I declare my setbacks was a setup and it’s my now time!!! God bless Sir.