The Father Says Today: February 24th, 2023

The Father says today; I am moving you from BURDEN to BLESSING. I call upon you to make the “great relinquishing.” I want you to give that situation, that person, that problem to Me today, in a full and final release, and don’t ever pick it up again. It isn’t your burden to bear. Why would you chafe your shoulders with the load? My shoulders are broad, and My sinews are strong – roll those cares over on My back today, for I will carry you through to a new place in My Spirit.

Cast those cares, roll those cares, abandon your cares, and come into the CARE-LESS place, for I am caring for you. I am caring for you, says the Father; it is who I am and what I do. It is YOKE EASY and BURDEN LIGHT time. What I’m saying to you, son and daughter is TAKE A LOAD OFF and allow Me to carry you and relieve you once and for all in an ongoing, consistent burden-bearing grace. That is My gift and My benevolence that I extend to you this day, My Beloved.

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