The Father says today that you are My living epistle. The power I placed in My word is the power I have inscribed within your human heart. I have taken up residence within you – My throne cannot be overthrown; therefore, you will not be overthrown. As I am in the heavens, so are you in the earth. Hear that again – As I AM in the heavens, so are you in the earth. As I am, says the Father, so I have provided an abiding place of victory and grace and power, not just when you depart to eternity – but now. Can you accept NOW as an answer? Refuse to live below your privileges. Refuse the theology of unbelief that gives the enemy the right to encroach upon your health and well-being. I came that you might have life and life more abundantly. My life within you is an irreducible life. Draw upon the bank of heaven. Rise up to your privilege and the authority inherent in the shed blood of Calvary. You have the breaker anointing. You are an agent of change. This day, the line is drawn, and a new season of blessing commences.
Prophet Russ – I Refuse to Live Below My Privileges in Christ!
I have established you in a position of power and authority. You are not a victim of circumstance but a vessel of My divine purpose. The challenges you face are opportunities for My glory to be revealed through you. Do not shrink back in fear or doubt, but stand firm in the knowledge of who you are in Me. I have equipped you with everything you need to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. My grace is sufficient for you, and My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, let your weakness be a platform for My strength to shine forth. You are called to be a light in a dark world, a beacon of hope to the lost and broken. Do not hide your light under a bushel, but let it shine brightly for all to see. The world needs what you have to offer – My love, My peace, My joy. Share these gifts freely, and you will experience the abundant life I have promised. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Trust in My presence, rely on My guidance and walk in the fullness of your inheritance.
Does this word resonate with you?
Sow Your Faith into this Word – Today!
The faith it takes to give into this prophetic word is the very same faith that will bring it to fruition in your situation. It is a tangible demonstration of your belief in My love and My promises. Act now, beloved, for your response time in giving is a measure of your faith and a catalyst for My timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. Every seed sown in faith is a declaration of your trust in Me. It is an investment in the manifestation of My love and blessings in your life. Do not delay, dear one, for the harvest awaits, and I am eager to pour out My abundant blessings upon you.”
Always remember that I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ
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