The Father Says Today: February 23rd, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I am scribing Myself in you – you are My living epistle. The power I placed in My word is the power I have scribed within your own human heart. I have taken up residence within you – My throne cannot be overthrown therefore you will not be overthrown. As I am in the heavens so are you in the earth. As I am in the word so are you in the earth. As I am says the Father so I have provided an abiding place of victory and grace and power not just when you exit to eternity – but now. Can you take NOW for an answer? Refuse to live below your privileges. Refuse the theology of unbelief that gives the enemy the right to encroach upon your health and well-being.
I came that you might have life and life more abundantly. My life within you is an irreducible life. Draw upon the bank of heaven. Rise up to your privilege and the authority inherent in the shed blood of Calvary. Shower your benevolence upon those that are needy, destitute and desperate for something more. Let heaven come to earth over them as it manifests in your own life. Heaven come to earth is my template for your well-being. Such as I have given you so go out and impart blessing to others. You have the breaker anointing. You are an agent of change. This day the line is drawn and a new season of blessing commences.

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