The Father Says Today: February 1st, 2024

The Father says today, work while it is day, for the night comes when no man can work. There is a time to find a quiet place in yourself and wait for the dust to clear. All flesh is as dust. When sinful flesh rears itself up to challenge you, let your first response be to look to the throne. The distractions of the enemy will always strive to cause you to look away from My face, says the Father. Make it your determination to look to the throne, even when the enemy bears down on you with his lies, threats, and tyranny. I am your defense and your shield. The enemy’s strategies only facilitate his downfall and not your destruction when you choose to look to Me and disallow any distraction.

So go ahead and seek the kingdom, says the Father. Go ahead and wait upon Me. Let Me guide you with My eye. As you look to Me, I will cause the winds and the waves to subside and the storms of men and demons to be stilled on your behalf. As you trust Me, I will bring the immediacy of My deliverance into your situation and establish you in a place from which you will not be moved or molested in any- way. Trust in My fidelity and trust in My established word. I will never fail you, and My promises will never overdraft the bank of heaven on your behalf.

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