The Father Says Today: February 16th, 2023

The Father says today that My blessing is an all-inclusive blessing. I will bless what you do right, and I will bless even your mistakes. My blessing is upon all that which you put your hand to, even as I promised in My word. My blessing is not exclusively a spiritual blessing, as some suggest. My blessing touches every aspect of your life, from the temporal to the eternal. Even as in sin, all things tend to decay. Because you are in My Kingdom, all tend to blessing, success, and outcome. I place no premium on human suffering, for human suffering was fully ameliorated at the cross.

Men of limited minds and unbelieving hearts have misreported My purposes, says the Father. There is no part of sickness, disease, lack, deprivation, or sorrow that was not PAID in FULL upon the cross. Exercise your faith in My promise, and I certify that you will experience the substance of all that Calvary affords. This was the blessing ratified under the law and fully extended to you by grace in the new covenant, sealed with the blood of My own dear Son. So EXPECT the blessing and ANTICIPATE My favor, and know it as the free gift that I will in no wise withdraw from you, as you yield yourself daily, afresh, and anew to My unconditional love.

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