The Father Says Today: February 15th, 2023

The Father says today that your enrollment in the school of the Spirit is an advanced degree in the law of love. The law of love brings you to the place where the law of sowing and reaping originated, for Love is Who I am. As you step into love, says the Father, you step into Me. When you respond in love, you clothe yourself in My person, and My fullness covers you like a mantle. Depth in My Spirit does not come through some charter membership in the “deeper life club.” The place where deep calls to deep, says the Father, is that place where “some having compassion, making a difference.”

I have called you to relinquish position and entitlement so that you might gain influence and impact over an orphan generation that does not know who their Father is. I commission you this day to demonstrate the no-strings-attached, unconditional love that never falters and never fails. Refuse the distractions of small minds and cold hearts. Allow Me to reach through your heart to establish My paternity in a disenfranchised and marginalized people. This is My plan, and this is your service as you align yourself with the beating of My heart this day.

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