The Father Says Today – February 11th, 2025

The Father says today, this is the year of the open door in your life. Even over the next many months, shall any man obstruct, impede, or restrict the doors I open for you? Shall any demon in hell be able to deny you access to my greater good for your life? No, they will not. You will have access to a change and a shift of ministry assignments. So I say to you, ask yourself daily, “What does it look like to seek the kingdom?” I will shape and craft within you, with a finer clarity, the ministry portion that I’ve placed upon you to touch lives, even to touch many lives. Do not think of this as a small or minor thing. The ministry assignment, the “seek the kingdom” assignment, is the predicate; it is the preamble to all things being added, even those things I have put in your heart to desire. The enemy may cause you to question if I truly want you to have these desires. But I say to you, if it is good, then it is from me, for the ache in your heart is the prophecy over your life. It is that simple, for all my promises are yes and amen to those who accept the calling to my purpose.

Prophet Russ – This is My Year of the Open Door!

I have called you and chosen you. Now, choose to be faithful. I have drawn you out from the ranks of those who live their lives as though these things do not matter, as though I do not have a specific purpose for your life. Let us move past that and come into a place of not only being called and chosen, but also being branded with the mark of my choice upon your life in this season. Be faithful, and as you determine to render up faithfulness as you understand it, as you would define it, I will add to it, I will reshape it, I will shift things, and you will begin to see the decks being cleared. You will begin to see the brambles, the brushes, and the briars that have impeded forward momentum and blessing in your life being cleared away as I bring you into that highway of holiness that brings you to the fullness of my purpose in your life.

Note! The Online Breakthrough School and Prophetic Training School are Now Available at No Charge (Here)

Does this word resonate with you?
Sow Your Faith into this Word – Today!

The faith it takes to give into this prophetic word is the very same faith that will bring it to fruition in your situation. It is a tangible demonstration of your belief in My love and My promises. Act now, beloved, for your response time in giving is a measure of your faith and a catalyst for My timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. Every seed sown in faith is a declaration of your trust in Me. It is an investment in the manifestation of My love and blessings in your life. Do not delay, dear one, for the harvest awaits, and I am eager to pour out My abundant blessings upon you.”

Always remember that I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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