The Father Says Today: February 13th, 2023

The Father says today in your life, it is time for a decree. It is the hour to let your mouth declare and decree some things you’ve been believing for. As you declare and decree a thing, says God, it will come to pass because in your decree, you are coming into agreement with My heart and what I’ve had planned for you all along.   The things you are asking are in My heart.  Don’t question or wonder about this, I want you to have a settled answer in your inner man about My unswerving determination to give you the desires of your heart.  Know that in the asking there is a demonstration. You are going to see a demonstration of what I’m bringing to pass in the near future. It will be as the earnest of a fresh inheritance and the downpayment of My unfolding goodness. I want you to believe Him, to open your mouth and pray over, prophesy over other people as well because this is a gift of My Spirit that’s locked up on the inside of you, and it is even now breaking open and being called forth My gifts, My callings, that’s been in you and with you throughout your life for they are without repentance.

Words of transformation are coming. There are words of encouragement, edification, and exhortation out of because that is the inherent nature of My prophetic voice on the inside of you.  There are words of wisdom bubbling up, words of knowledge on the inside of you for I purpose, says God, and I am determined to use you as an example of My goodness and My kindness and My kindred spirit that I’ve instilled in the inside of you.  I will speak through you and perform signs, miracles, and signs through you on a day-to-day basis.  I will even show you some things in the times to come, and you are going to sit back and relax, enjoy, and laugh because you know that it’s a direct result of believing My word and allowing Me to use you in a radical way, says God. So, believe in the Lord your God, and My establishing will establish you.  Believe My prophets, and surely, surely you are going to prosper.  Take it to the bank that I’m going to use you in the future, and these little things that you’re feeling after, as you sense to feel, you listen to hear, you are just tracking the Holy Spirit, and He said, I’m pleased to bring to pass in full in your life and the lives of those around you.

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