The Father says today, concerning the works of My hands, command Me. My lovingkindness is commanded in the daytime and My warring nature rules over the night. You are not of the night, but you are of the day, oh warrior of the Dayspring! Let My light rise in your heart. Ascend into the constellation of My purposes ordained for you before the foundation of the world. Others won’t “get it” and they won’t understand for with them it is line upon line and precept upon precept that they might fall and go backward and be destroyed. Have you figured out that I am the God who never planted anything in a row? They are gone. They are like the flower that fades, or the blade of grass withered in the oven. Leave them to Me. They are only so much noise trying to distract you outwardly from the inward glory that is unfolding in you now.
I have not forgotten you, says God. I have not forsaken you, says your Rock. The oppression of the enemy is lifting, and the kindness of My heart is descending on you like a warm blanket. Wrap yourself up in My love and My mercy, for My love and My mercy is your abundant portion in this hour. They will look for you and they will not find you. They will grope about the door but the blindness of their demanding nature will always lead them to come up empty handed while you go out free and in freedom, for where My Spirit is in you and around you there is freedom and freedom is your portion this day, says God.
Prophet Russ Walden
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Bernard La Chance says:
Freedom out of bondage this day!
Lucia+Gabriella says:
Praise the name of the living God, oh, how He speaks such soothing words to my heart. Glory to His name.
Mark says:
You are truly inspiring,
Thanking you in jesus name
Pray for me say “let it be healed in
Every area of young mark roanes
Life,body,and ministry
Thanks mark
GTAdmin says:
Thank you Mark. Please submit your prayer request at this link so the prayer team can be praying for you. Blessings
A Reed says:
Yes, who the son set free us free indeed. Thank the Lord for never leaving or forsaking me. I receive this prophetic word. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
V.S. says:
Yes! Freedom. Thank You!