The Father Says Today: December 9th, 2012

The Father says today be prepared to love under pressure. When you find your fist is clenched against your neighbor say in your heart “Father let your love rule in My life today….” As you love says the Father you enter into the NEVER FAIL territory that I have reserved for you just at this season in your life.
Take no account of the suffered wrong. Don’t make notice of the smirk on your persecutor’s face. I will deal with them. I will love them and bring them to myself. Let your love be unfeigned. Let love even My love find a place of authenticity in your life that nothing can jar you out of.
Love under pressure says the Father. Let your hatred against evil be a perfect hatred by allowing your love to be unconditional and liberal beyond measure. When your love wearies and faints and you feel yourself giving way to anger and fear turn to Me and cling to Me for I will draw you to Myself in that moment and whisk you away from weakness to strength and from strength to the reward that accrues to all those who choose by an act of their will to have My heart.

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