The Father Says Today: December 8th, 2021

The Father says today, everything you have need of is already available to you and it is down on the inside of you. My Spirit resides in you through faith in My Word, My Son, Jesus. Jesus is the Word made flesh. Through His surrender, you have the ability to be filled with ALL of My fullness. In My fullness is joy unspeakable, filled with Glory. There is nothing missing or lacking, there is never depletion or downturn, but you move onward and upward from faith to faith and from glory to glory; ever increasing light belongs to you! It is not an esoteric belief that only a few in the deeper life club are able to attain. It is available to all and is a firm foundation that you can build your entire life upon. My Glory will be manifest in fullness through the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that can only come from time spent in My Word which takes diligence and determination to accomplish.

Your life is transformed from the inside out, your faith, hope, love, your very thoughts and attitudes that relate to your life; spirit, soul, body, financially and socially, all are transformed by your renewed mind. The Mind of Christ in you will cause boldness and confidence to be released by your faith when you speak, making you more effective and immune to fear. Then you can call Me into remembrance of My Word based on faith in knowing what I say and believe also that I will bring it to pass. Then I Am able to bring things more freely to your remembrance of how the events, even when seemingly insignificant, really have been working together for your good all of your life. You will begin to understand how I Am able to actively move you around the obstacles and difficulties you face. I Am the Way Maker and I Am making a way for you this day, through this wilderness out into your broad place of love, joy and peace, where sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Georgette Thompson

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  • Hallelujah. I connect my faith to this prophetic word as it aligns itself to what I prayed yesterday. Let the Lord be glorified. It will happen just as it has been spoken. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.👀🙏🏽📖❤