The Father Says Today: December 8th, 2012

The Father says today go out and be an encourager. Give to others encouragement and comfort even though these things have been in short supply in your own life. What you make happen for others I will make happen for you.
When the patriarch Job prayed for his friends I turned his own captivity. I crowned him with glory and gave him many times that which was lost while his “friends” stood by and railed against his character. There are those in your life that may mock when they see disappointment and discouragement on your face. They conspire in their heart and think in their religious contempt that this is a good thing. Love them. Bless them. Release them to My purposes in their lives.
The end of the matter in your life will be increase and not loss. I said the END of the MATTER will be INCREASE and NOT LOSS. Even those who think they hold your future in their hands will come to you asking forgiveness. Forgive readily. Forgive liberally. The blessings I hold just beyond your view will pour out upon you in increasing substance as you relinquish and release your love and grace upon those in your life who least deserve it.

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