The Father Says Today: December 6th, 2021

The Father says today, the cloud of My presence is moving. You felt it lift and you wanted to put the vision on life support but I say to you let the dead bury the dead. What are you afraid of? I made you from nothing, from the dust of the earth and breathed into you the breath of My life. Don’t you know that I am breathing life into your tomorrows? Don’t say “Lord My future is dead and stinketh…” Don’t be a Martha mentality, be a Mary mentality. Be the free spirit I have called you to be. The time of waiting and mourning is over. The time of rolling the stone of offense from the tomb of regret is now. The grave clothes of disappointment are unwinding and you are going free this very moment. Get ready. Burst your bonds says God. Refuse to be predictable. Predictability never walked on the water or raised the dead and that is what I’ve called you to.

That’s right says God you are a water walker. You are a king and I am THE KING. Kings have kingdoms. Are you ready to say “my kingdom come” in the way that I have said “My kingdom come?” All else is dead religion. Take the limits off. Start saying out of your mouth the words I have given you to say for your life will only rise to the level of your profession and your confession. Did I say confession? Yes, those dark things and dark sayings and chains of iniquity are now falling away and being robed in white is your portion. As Paul who killed Christians but said “I’ve wronged no man…” It is time to let the past be the past for you are not a child of the past you are a new creation and your righteousness is of Me!

Prophet Russ Walden

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Other Comments

  • Father Thank You. Breakthroughs are here. I pray let these dry bones live. Blessings to the prophet for leading God’s people to be established, we shall prosper!! Hallelujah!!

  • This day I speak life and love to myself in the name of Jesus! What God says of me, so say I! I am more than a conqueror, I am the daughter of the Most High, a priestess-king and a joint heir with Christ. I am counted among the sons of El Elyon and fully receive His salvation and righteousness as my portion. Thank You!

  • Thank you Father for forgiving me I pray father you take these chains and break any bondage of guilt that hold me down I am free you my Jesus draw me from these Waters there are too deep for me with you I can walk on water thank you for my salvation I praise you my Holy Father

  • I receive this prophetic word as it will be a dream come true. I believe, may the Lord help my unbelief. Be it unto me as it has been spoken. For the Glory of God. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

    • GTAdmin says:

      It’s time to kick unbelief to the curb, you have the measure of faith inside of you. As you spend time in God’s Word – faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God – your faith is increasing from faith to faith and from glory to glory. No longer do you need to say, help my unbelief, but I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might and I thank you Lord that my faith is growing, I step into the glory and I recieve all the good things you have for me, in Jesus Name! Blessings