The Father Says Today: December 6th, 2012

The Father says today that I have ordained that you drink deeply of My substance today. As you keep your faith and trust in Me you will never need an alternative solution to the answers and provisions I am willing to provide and in fact have already provided. When I gave My sacrifice in your behalf on the cross I established forever the scope of what I am willing to do on your behalf.
So question not whether I will answer today for the mountains are already moving. The louder the enemy protests the more sure you may know that I am present and that I am manifesting the sure answer to the cry of your heart. I made provision on Calvary but your portion is to bring Calvary’s provision to manifestation in your life.
I am not a respecter of persons says the Father but I am a respecter of faith. When you do with your faith what others have done with theirs you will see the same results. Faith brings the manifestation of Calvary’s provision. So act on your faith, speak your faith and allow faith to dictate what you will and won’t do. Your faith brings heaven and earth together and manifests the substance of who I am and what I am in your life.

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