The Father Says Today: December 5th 2023

The Father says today when the headwinds of darkness impinge upon the tender shoots of your hopes and dreams, remember this: I am the God who dwells in thick darkness* – the God that lays up the treasuries of the snow where eternity is set in your heart to bring you through the temporal storm-tossed situation into the everlasting promises of my heart. Rest. Rest in my arms. Lay your head on my shoulder. Feel the stroke of my nail-scarred hand, marred and mangled by the nails of crucifixion, that your heart might be healed and made whole. That’s who I am, says Jesus. That’s what I do, what I’ve done, and what I am doing in you now. 

You are not a vagabond wandering without direction or purpose. Remember that I am your way, your truth, and your life. I know you are adrift and unsure what to do next. Look to Me. Look and live. Follow the blood-spattered path that leads to where I am waiting. I am waiting to translate you as I translated Enoch because he chose to walk with me. He walked with me in the cool of the day in the path that Adam scorned, and therefore, as my heart was to receive him unto myself know that I receive you now and ever receive you into the everlasting and unfolding joys of deepening intimacy and closeness that I make available to you now through the dread price that Calvary made possible. I’m here. Talk to me. The outward things? Concerns, struggles, challenges and difficulties? Trust Me. They are safely in my hands. 

*1 Kings 8:12

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