The Father Says Today: December 5th, 2012

The Father says today that every prayer I prayed on the earth is answered in your behalf. I prayed that we would be one and WE are ONE. I prayed from My humanity that you and I would be one substance and we are one substance! What is true of Me in the heavens is true also of you on the earth. As I AM so are you. As I AM in the heavens so are YOU on the earth. No devil, no circumstance, no power in heaven or earth can contradict that immutable truth.
I have provided for your spotless ascent into My person even as I descended into My dwelling place in your own spirit man. You are seated with Me in the heavenlies and I am standing alongside of you in every challenge and situation you face. No longer look at yourself from a “less than” mentality for you are equal and more than equal to every challenge because I AM who I AM within you even this day even in your NOW!
So know this says the Father: at your lowest point I am fully God. At the moment when the battle wages hot against you I am fully God. When it seems you cannot endure another moment I am fully God and I will at that moment be the faithful redeemer, creator and deliverer you need Me to be. It’s just WHO I AM says the Father. It’s what I do.

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  • Jesus I want to love you just as much as you love and desire me to. Please make me to be an overcomer in these last days. Please cause me to stand for you and not give into the pressures of tribulation persecution and trials or testing even unto death but to committed only to you and not to myself.

  • THE PEARL says:

    YES,Lord,i love you as i have alway’s said with every fiber of my being,Glory be to God for i lift your name up above all the earth,Bless the Lord with all that is in me Bless His Holy Name

  • Thank you Prophets for your words strength and enouragement. Just what I needed today.

  • there is not a single day when I do not receive the right Manna for my spirit, from my Father’s Heart. God Bless you Russ and Kitty, servants of the Lord! Amen.