The Father Says Today: December 4th, 2023

The Father says  today that it’s time to finish your current assignment. You have been posted in a particular place for a specific season, and now it’s time to move on. Remember that assignments have a beginning and an end. It’s okay to say, “that’s enough of that,” and move forward to the next task. Moving on to the next assignment does not mean that you have failed. Those who are afraid of change and are committed to the status quo will never let go of you. You will have to remind them that I am their source and not any other person, place, or thing and pry their fingers off. Do you trust me? If so, then receive these marching orders, for it’s time to move forward. You have stayed around this mountain long enough. I will shake the mountain and turn it into a plain. The path that was blocked for you before is now clear for you to pursue. It’s time to proceed with those things that you once thought were impossible. Open your eyes and see the way that stands clear. The obstacles have been removed. Your marching orders are in your hand, and it’s the Father within you who does the work.

You are capable of achieving great things. It’s time to seize the moment and move forward. Don’t let the walls around you hold you back any longer. The path that once seemed blocked is now open for you to walk through. Believe in yourself, and let the Father in you guide your steps. You have the power to overcome any obstacle and achieve the impossible. Do you trust me? It’s time to move forward and take action. You’ve spent too much time circling this mountain. It’s time to break down the walls and go through the once-blocked path. Don’t shy away any longer, as all obstacles have been removed. Let the Father in you guide you and take control of your life. It’s time to pursue the things you once thought were impossible.

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Other Comments

  • Carol Horridge says:

    Boy does this speak to me!! I got call Mon saying homecare patient I have had turned bad overnight, and may not recover! Young girl, so sad. On same call, I was told of new case, farther away. Didn’t want to go farther, but met client-ordained of God obv. After I left mtg, Tue, GOD spoke to say this job was to be a special BLESSING to me!! You always have such a right on time Word!!

  • This word 7 years ago was my Rhema word from the Lord confirming that I was to move from the physical – 4-walls ministry, to build an online global ministry. How I needed it. Now today 7 years later it has come again …to shift me from some areas that I have been stuck in. Thank you Prophet Russ.

  • Thank You Father. What was my assignment and how did I do in it. I did not know that I was on assignment and how will I know which one is the next correct assignment.