The Father Says Today: December 4th, 2012

The Father says today that greater is the pressure on the inside of you flowing out to life everlasting than the outward pressures that purpose to steal your joy. I have accorded you dominion in the earth and also in your own personal life. Regardless of feelings of helplessness and difficulty you have in fact been accorded divine office and jurisdiction in life. You have authority to utter words and see those words become effectual in bringing change and transformation to your own life and the lives of those around you.
Because I dwell in you says the Father you are therefore a living instrumentation of the very grace you have asked Me to manifest in your behalf. You are no mere observer of these things rather you are a participator in My kingdom. My kingdom is expressed in the righteousness that produces joy and brings the peace you have petitioned and solicited Me regarding your life. Open your mouth wide says the Father and I will fill it. Allow your requests to become requisitions and your declarations to become decrees of what WILL surely be.
I have positioned you and seated you in heavenly places in Christ says the Father. You have authority to transact the Father’s business that brings heaven and earth. Make it YOUR determination this day not to be bandied about by the pressures of life. You have rule in Christ says the Father. Exercise that rule today even the government that is on your shoulder this day in a new and real way.

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