The Father Says Today: December 3rd, 2012

The Father says as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Do you really want to be formed in the image of the dark thoughts that plague you at times? You are not a child of darkness. You are not a product of darkness and I have not called you to walk in darkness, ignorance or anguish of soul.
Let My thoughts superimpose over your thoughts today. Be guided by My hand out of the problems and into the possibilities that express My character, My love and My ability to make good on every promise I’ve made to you in your heart and in My word.
My promises are timeless says the Father. They have no shelf life. I don’t set a timer on My word. You have waited long and the waiting is not over. But My words will not fail. My promises are sure and My provision will hold you in a place of security till the full assurance is made a reality in your life.
So do not allow yourself to be drunken with fear and care and anxiety. Fear and anxiety cloud your judgment and bring you into agreement with the enemy. The enemy thrives on fear and worry. I call you this day out of worry and fear. Take My mind upon you. Conform your thoughts to My mind and My purpose. Turn away from the demands of the enemy and seek first My kingdom and your deliverance will be forthcoming says your God.

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